Running VASP on 64 cores :
  Using executable /home/medea/MD/TaskServer/Tools/vasp6.4.3/Linux-x86_64/vasp_std

 running   64 mpi-ranks, on    1 nodes
 distrk:  each k-point on   64 cores,    1 groups
 distr:  one band on    1 cores,   64 groups
 vasp.6.4.3 19Mar24 (build May 12 2024 01:18:22) complex                        
 MD_VERSION_INFO: Compiled 2024-05-11T23:28:39-UTC in mrdevlin:/home/medea/data/
 build/svnuser/vasp6.4.3/202405112235/x86_64/src/src/build/std from git 20240511
 This VASP executable licensed from Materials Design, Inc.
 POSCAR found type information on POSCAR CsInAgCl
 POSCAR found :  4 types and      10 ions
 scaLAPACK is switched off
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     For optimal performance we recommend to set                             |
|       NCORE = 2 up to number-of-cores-per-socket                            |
|     NCORE specifies how many cores store one orbital (NPAR=cpu/NCORE).      |
|     This setting can greatly improve the performance of VASP for DFT.       |
|     The default, NCORE=1 might be grossly inefficient on modern             |
|     multi-core architectures or massively parallel machines. Do your        |
|     own testing! More info at      |
|     Unfortunately you need to use the default for GW and RPA                |
|     calculations (for HF NCORE is supported but not extensively tested      |
|     yet).                                                                   |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|               ----> ADVICE to this user running VASP <----                  |
|                                                                             |
|     You enforced a specific xc type in the INCAR file but a different       |
|     type was found in the POTCAR file.                                      |
|     I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!                                     |
|                                                                             |

 LDA part: xc-table for (Slater+PW92), Vosko type interpolation para-ferro
 POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
 FFT: planning ... GRIDC
 FFT: planning ... GRID_SOFT
 FFT: planning ... GRID
 WAVECAR not read
 entering main loop
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1     0.420839376382E+03    0.42084E+03   -0.39981E+04  2048   0.117E+03 
DAV:   2    -0.234291491672E+02   -0.44427E+03   -0.44364E+03  3072   0.170E+02 
DAV:   3    -0.352833808471E+02   -0.11854E+02   -0.11854E+02  2048   0.409E+01 
DAV:   4    -0.353922717810E+02   -0.10889E+00   -0.10889E+00  4096   0.509E+00 
DAV:   5    -0.353922884651E+02   -0.16684E-04   -0.16684E-04  2112   0.637E-02    0.926E+00
DAV:   6    -0.340395211624E+02    0.13528E+01   -0.50940E+00  3456   0.118E+01    0.598E+00
DAV:   7    -0.339200774159E+02    0.11944E+00   -0.52715E-01  3648   0.438E+00    0.313E+00
DAV:   8    -0.339132250821E+02    0.68523E-02   -0.79592E-02  3840   0.136E+00    0.369E-01
DAV:   9    -0.339145490253E+02   -0.13239E-02   -0.53002E-03  2752   0.362E-01    0.140E-01
DAV:  10    -0.339151815181E+02   -0.63249E-03   -0.10719E-03  3776   0.120E-01    0.769E-02
DAV:  11    -0.339152437066E+02   -0.62189E-04   -0.10655E-04  3328   0.508E-02    0.225E-02
DAV:  12    -0.339152680791E+02   -0.24372E-04   -0.29439E-05  3136   0.249E-02    0.657E-03
DAV:  13    -0.339152691415E+02   -0.10624E-05   -0.23197E-06  3392   0.555E-03 
   1 F= -.33915269E+02 E0= -.33915269E+02  d E =-.339153E+02
 curvature:   0.00 expect dE= 0.000E+00 dE for cont linesearch  0.000E+00
 trial: gam= 0.00000 g(F)=  0.396E-05 g(S)=  0.243E+00 ort = 0.000E+00 (trialstep = 0.100E+01)
 search vector abs. value=  0.243E+00
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.364041127408E+02   -0.24888E+01   -0.54398E+01  2048   0.410E+01    0.101E+01
DAV:   2    -0.343500256437E+02    0.20541E+01   -0.62194E+00  2624   0.136E+01    0.302E+00
DAV:   3    -0.340886573179E+02    0.26137E+00   -0.77712E-01  2304   0.545E+00    0.165E+00
DAV:   4    -0.340670566838E+02    0.21601E-01   -0.49564E-02  3456   0.151E+00    0.997E-01
DAV:   5    -0.340643555623E+02    0.27011E-02   -0.10704E-02  3392   0.666E-01    0.138E-01
DAV:   6    -0.340643556886E+02   -0.12626E-06   -0.74330E-04  2880   0.121E-01    0.676E-02
DAV:   7    -0.340643854171E+02   -0.29729E-04   -0.56160E-05  3520   0.472E-02    0.185E-02
DAV:   8    -0.340643853420E+02    0.75113E-07   -0.99522E-06  3008   0.196E-02 
   2 F= -.34064385E+02 E0= -.34064385E+02  d E =-.149116E+00
 trial-energy change:   -0.149116  1 .order   -0.144683   -0.243012   -0.046354
 step:   1.2027(harm=  1.2357)  dis= 0.00021  next Energy=   -34.069121 (dE=-0.154E+00)
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.341654518816E+02   -0.10107E+00   -0.22819E+00  2304   0.867E+00    0.199E+00
DAV:   2    -0.340814960113E+02    0.83956E-01   -0.23031E-01  2752   0.291E+00    0.642E-01
DAV:   3    -0.340701998688E+02    0.11296E-01   -0.33799E-02  2368   0.112E+00    0.363E-01
DAV:   4    -0.340693497695E+02    0.85010E-03   -0.20076E-03  3456   0.323E-01    0.175E-01
DAV:   5    -0.340693044150E+02    0.45355E-04   -0.33317E-04  3200   0.123E-01    0.270E-02
DAV:   6    -0.340693092373E+02   -0.48223E-05   -0.23452E-05  3200   0.257E-02 
   3 F= -.34069309E+02 E0= -.34069309E+02  d E =-.154040E+00
 curvature:  -0.61 expect dE=-0.153E-01 dE for cont linesearch -0.160E-04
 trial: gam= 0.09326 g(F)=  0.252E-01 g(S)=  0.334E-04 ort = 0.253E-02 (trialstep = 0.104E+01)
 search vector abs. value=  0.278E-01
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.341123860074E+02   -0.43082E-01   -0.33788E+00  2048   0.649E+00    0.113E+00
DAV:   2    -0.340939024325E+02    0.18484E-01   -0.13392E-01  3328   0.200E+00    0.460E-01
DAV:   3    -0.340903599306E+02    0.35425E-02   -0.10282E-02  3264   0.639E-01    0.249E-01
DAV:   4    -0.340900050264E+02    0.35490E-03   -0.12794E-03  3072   0.224E-01    0.126E-01
DAV:   5    -0.340900112574E+02   -0.62310E-05   -0.12607E-04  3008   0.567E-02    0.121E-02
DAV:   6    -0.340900108716E+02    0.38574E-06   -0.10057E-05  3008   0.149E-02 
   4 F= -.34090011E+02 E0= -.34090011E+02  d E =-.207016E-01
 trial-energy change:   -0.020702  1 .order   -0.020842   -0.026466   -0.015218
 step:   2.8046(harm=  2.4485)  dis= 0.03985  next Energy=   -34.102227 (dE=-0.329E-01)
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.341642686637E+02   -0.74257E-01   -0.97307E+00  2048   0.110E+01    0.194E+00
DAV:   2    -0.341102925677E+02    0.53976E-01   -0.39203E-01  3328   0.341E+00    0.816E-01
DAV:   3    -0.341000948668E+02    0.10198E-01   -0.29459E-02  3264   0.110E+00    0.431E-01
DAV:   4    -0.340990088678E+02    0.10860E-02   -0.39669E-03  3072   0.394E-01    0.222E-01
DAV:   5    -0.340989934694E+02    0.15398E-04   -0.37204E-04  3008   0.898E-02    0.210E-02
DAV:   6    -0.340989911717E+02    0.22978E-05   -0.30700E-05  3648   0.243E-02 
   5 F= -.34098991E+02 E0= -.34098991E+02  d E =-.296819E-01
 curvature:  -1.25 expect dE=-0.106E-02 dE for cont linesearch -0.868E-03
 ZBRENT: interpolating
 opt :   2.3974  next Energy=   -34.099885 (dE=-0.306E-01)
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.341033153655E+02   -0.43219E-02   -0.51703E-01  2048   0.257E+00    0.448E-01
DAV:   2    -0.341005544959E+02    0.27609E-02   -0.20599E-02  3200   0.788E-01    0.196E-01
DAV:   3    -0.340999985997E+02    0.55590E-03   -0.15507E-03  3328   0.247E-01    0.106E-01
DAV:   4    -0.340999233059E+02    0.75294E-04   -0.22522E-04  3136   0.947E-02    0.506E-02
DAV:   5    -0.340999090342E+02    0.14272E-04   -0.19526E-05  2944   0.214E-02    0.462E-03
DAV:   6    -0.340999090450E+02   -0.10786E-07   -0.17291E-06  2560   0.655E-03 
   6 F= -.34099909E+02 E0= -.34099909E+02  d E =-.305998E-01
 curvature:  -1.29 expect dE=-0.357E-03 dE for cont linesearch -0.421E-07
 trial: gam=-0.01682 g(F)=  0.250E-04 g(S)=  0.252E-03 ort =-0.301E-04 (trialstep = 0.131E+01)
 search vector abs. value=  0.286E-03
 reached required accuracy - stopping structural energy minimisation