Running VASP on 64 cores :
  Using executable /home/medea/MD/TaskServer/Tools/vasp6.4.3/Linux-x86_64/vasp_std

 running   64 mpi-ranks, on    1 nodes
 distrk:  each k-point on   64 cores,    1 groups
 distr:  one band on    1 cores,   64 groups
 vasp.6.4.3 19Mar24 (build May 12 2024 01:18:22) complex                        
 MD_VERSION_INFO: Compiled 2024-05-11T23:28:39-UTC in mrdevlin:/home/medea/data/
 build/svnuser/vasp6.4.3/202405112235/x86_64/src/src/build/std from git 20240511
 This VASP executable licensed from Materials Design, Inc.
 POSCAR found type information on POSCAR CsInNaClAg
 POSCAR found :  5 types and      80 ions
 scaLAPACK is switched off
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     For optimal performance we recommend to set                             |
|       NCORE = 2 up to number-of-cores-per-socket                            |
|     NCORE specifies how many cores store one orbital (NPAR=cpu/NCORE).      |
|     This setting can greatly improve the performance of VASP for DFT.       |
|     The default, NCORE=1 might be grossly inefficient on modern             |
|     multi-core architectures or massively parallel machines. Do your        |
|     own testing! More info at      |
|     Unfortunately you need to use the default for GW and RPA                |
|     calculations (for HF NCORE is supported but not extensively tested      |
|     yet).                                                                   |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|               ----> ADVICE to this user running VASP <----                  |
|                                                                             |
|     You have a (more or less) 'large supercell' and for larger cells it     |
|     might be more efficient to use real-space projection operators.         |
|     Therefore, try LREAL= Auto in the INCAR file.                           |
|     Mind: For very accurate calculation, you might also keep the            |
|     reciprocal projection scheme (i.e. LREAL=.FALSE.).                      |
|                                                                             |

|                                                                             |
|               ----> ADVICE to this user running VASP <----                  |
|                                                                             |
|     You enforced a specific xc type in the INCAR file but a different       |
|     type was found in the POTCAR file.                                      |
|     I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!                                     |
|                                                                             |

 LDA part: xc-table for (Slater+PW92), Vosko type interpolation para-ferro
 POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
 FFT: planning ... GRIDC
 FFT: planning ... GRID_SOFT
 FFT: planning ... GRID
 WAVECAR not read
 entering main loop
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1     0.573075073875E+04    0.57308E+04   -0.28087E+05  3584   0.134E+03 
DAV:   2     0.487290181762E+03   -0.52435E+04   -0.49627E+04  4032   0.301E+02 
DAV:   3    -0.250968427124E+03   -0.73826E+03   -0.73004E+03  4160   0.132E+02 
DAV:   4    -0.282481942756E+03   -0.31514E+02   -0.31289E+02  4416   0.305E+01 
DAV:   5    -0.283951221180E+03   -0.14693E+01   -0.14677E+01  5056   0.646E+00    0.259E+01
DAV:   6    -0.273029879404E+03    0.10921E+02   -0.24128E+01  4992   0.135E+01    0.177E+01
DAV:   7    -0.272250959487E+03    0.77892E+00   -0.82202E+00  5184   0.663E+00    0.806E+00
DAV:   8    -0.272291867091E+03   -0.40908E-01   -0.11662E+00  5376   0.200E+00    0.230E+00
DAV:   9    -0.272302491104E+03   -0.10624E-01   -0.76756E-02  4992   0.791E-01    0.704E-01
DAV:  10    -0.272307191612E+03   -0.47005E-02   -0.12648E-02  4928   0.215E-01    0.293E-01
DAV:  11    -0.272309158413E+03   -0.19668E-02   -0.22603E-03  4992   0.850E-02    0.107E-01
DAV:  12    -0.272309685046E+03   -0.52663E-03   -0.48604E-04  4416   0.377E-02    0.236E-02
DAV:  13    -0.272309728838E+03   -0.43792E-04   -0.46402E-05  4864   0.145E-02    0.137E-02
DAV:  14    -0.272309736422E+03   -0.75842E-05   -0.66044E-06  2880   0.590E-03 
   1 F= -.27230974E+03 E0= -.27230974E+03  d E =-.272310E+03
 curvature:   0.00 expect dE= 0.000E+00 dE for cont linesearch  0.000E+00
 trial: gam= 0.00000 g(F)=  0.327E-01 g(S)=  0.182E+01 ort = 0.000E+00 (trialstep = 0.100E+01)
 search vector abs. value=  0.185E+01
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.290185006268E+03   -0.17875E+02   -0.36356E+02  4928   0.452E+01    0.290E+01
DAV:   2    -0.275576464400E+03    0.14609E+02   -0.37117E+01  4608   0.150E+01    0.836E+00
DAV:   3    -0.273679102213E+03    0.18974E+01   -0.52001E+00  5376   0.560E+00    0.520E+00
DAV:   4    -0.273446666908E+03    0.23244E+00   -0.49847E-01  5376   0.214E+00    0.230E+00
DAV:   5    -0.273427366288E+03    0.19301E-01   -0.12641E-01  5120   0.876E-01    0.527E-01
DAV:   6    -0.273428036596E+03   -0.67031E-03   -0.11252E-02  4416   0.235E-01    0.175E-01
DAV:   7    -0.273427993011E+03    0.43585E-04   -0.12673E-03  4544   0.501E-02    0.895E-02
DAV:   8    -0.273428052763E+03   -0.59753E-04   -0.13795E-04  4224   0.357E-02    0.265E-02
DAV:   9    -0.273428045904E+03    0.68593E-05   -0.33987E-05  4288   0.155E-02 
   2 F= -.27342805E+03 E0= -.27342805E+03  d E =-.111831E+01
 trial-energy change:   -1.118309  1 .order   -1.087293   -1.848190   -0.326397
 step:   1.1873(harm=  1.2145)  dis= 0.01539  next Energy=  -273.458815 (dE=-0.115E+01)
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.274046438379E+03   -0.61839E+00   -0.13025E+01  4992   0.884E+00    0.525E+00
DAV:   2    -0.273537010683E+03    0.50943E+00   -0.12183E+00  4096   0.302E+00    0.164E+00
DAV:   3    -0.273466909207E+03    0.70101E-01   -0.20559E-01  5120   0.110E+00    0.976E-01
DAV:   4    -0.273459758737E+03    0.71505E-02   -0.14828E-02  5504   0.403E-01    0.429E-01
DAV:   5    -0.273458917970E+03    0.84077E-03   -0.64494E-03  5376   0.208E-01    0.132E-01
DAV:   6    -0.273458993514E+03   -0.75544E-04   -0.71911E-04  4416   0.550E-02    0.371E-02
DAV:   7    -0.273458975982E+03    0.17532E-04   -0.55473E-05  4736   0.119E-02    0.166E-02
DAV:   8    -0.273458980540E+03   -0.45574E-05   -0.63950E-06  2816   0.741E-03 
   3 F= -.27345898E+03 E0= -.27345898E+03  d E =-.114924E+01
 curvature:  -0.60 expect dE=-0.102E+00 dE for cont linesearch -0.265E-07
 trial: gam= 0.09252 g(F)=  0.170E+00 g(S)=  0.267E-03 ort =-0.286E-03 (trialstep = 0.104E+01)
 search vector abs. value=  0.186E+00
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.273711377821E+03   -0.25240E+00   -0.20188E+01  3840   0.697E+00    0.340E+00
DAV:   2    -0.273628979104E+03    0.82399E-01   -0.15117E+00  4928   0.240E+00    0.148E+00
DAV:   3    -0.273607198409E+03    0.21781E-01   -0.64285E-02  5184   0.696E-01    0.812E-01
DAV:   4    -0.273599616453E+03    0.75820E-02   -0.35452E-02  5376   0.457E-01    0.437E-01
DAV:   5    -0.273599958110E+03   -0.34166E-03   -0.52984E-03  4224   0.882E-02    0.267E-01
DAV:   6    -0.273599960411E+03   -0.23012E-05   -0.20587E-04  5952   0.447E-02    0.185E-01
DAV:   7    -0.273599978473E+03   -0.18062E-04   -0.45698E-04  4928   0.384E-02    0.687E-02
DAV:   8    -0.273599978568E+03   -0.94893E-07   -0.66773E-05  5184   0.144E-02 
   4 F= -.27359998E+03 E0= -.27359998E+03  d E =-.140998E+00
 trial-energy change:   -0.140998  1 .order   -0.141591   -0.177081   -0.106102
 step:   2.8345(harm=  2.5883)  dis= 0.03172  next Energy=  -273.688789 (dE=-0.230E+00)
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.273982289026E+03   -0.38231E+00   -0.60346E+01  3776   0.120E+01    0.602E+00
DAV:   2    -0.273758294243E+03    0.22399E+00   -0.49456E+00  4800   0.426E+00    0.269E+00
DAV:   3    -0.273694572313E+03    0.63722E-01   -0.21762E-01  5120   0.129E+00    0.146E+00
DAV:   4    -0.273669418943E+03    0.25153E-01   -0.11663E-01  5440   0.838E-01    0.810E-01
DAV:   5    -0.273670411627E+03   -0.99268E-03   -0.18106E-02  4288   0.164E-01    0.479E-01
DAV:   6    -0.273670371498E+03    0.40129E-04   -0.66083E-04  5888   0.805E-02    0.325E-01
DAV:   7    -0.273670298105E+03    0.73393E-04   -0.16910E-03  4992   0.772E-02    0.107E-01
DAV:   8    -0.273670286969E+03    0.11136E-04   -0.23909E-04  5440   0.289E-02    0.952E-02
DAV:   9    -0.273670276073E+03    0.10897E-04   -0.31586E-05  3968   0.103E-02    0.426E-02
DAV:  10    -0.273670274626E+03    0.14467E-05   -0.15969E-05  3072   0.586E-03 
   5 F= -.27367027E+03 E0= -.27367027E+03  d E =-.211294E+00
 curvature:  -1.38 expect dE=-0.710E-02 dE for cont linesearch -0.399E-02
 ZBRENT: interpolating
 opt :   2.5017  next Energy=  -273.674142 (dE=-0.215E+00)
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.273685755282E+03   -0.15479E-01   -0.20789E+00  3968   0.226E+00    0.107E+00
DAV:   2    -0.273677534586E+03    0.82207E-02   -0.15357E-01  4800   0.778E-01    0.510E-01
DAV:   3    -0.273675299407E+03    0.22352E-02   -0.69539E-03  5184   0.226E-01    0.279E-01
DAV:   4    -0.273674383696E+03    0.91571E-03   -0.37781E-03  5184   0.150E-01    0.147E-01
DAV:   5    -0.273674373560E+03    0.10136E-04   -0.56387E-04  4288   0.290E-02    0.874E-02
DAV:   6    -0.273674354593E+03    0.18967E-04   -0.19689E-05  3840   0.155E-02    0.543E-02
DAV:   7    -0.273674322399E+03    0.32194E-04   -0.43526E-05  4288   0.127E-02    0.160E-02
DAV:   8    -0.273674320432E+03    0.19670E-05   -0.63988E-06  2560   0.445E-03 
   6 F= -.27367432E+03 E0= -.27367432E+03  d E =-.215340E+00
 curvature:  -1.33 expect dE=-0.325E-02 dE for cont linesearch -0.105E-05
 trial: gam=-0.01565 g(F)=  0.981E-03 g(S)=  0.145E-02 ort = 0.382E-03 (trialstep = 0.133E+01)
 search vector abs. value=  0.246E-02
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.273700205373E+03   -0.25883E-01   -0.71510E-01  4928   0.193E+00    0.109E+00
DAV:   2    -0.273679756698E+03    0.20449E-01   -0.66756E-02  4608   0.657E-01    0.350E-01
DAV:   3    -0.273676810432E+03    0.29463E-02   -0.82736E-03  5184   0.215E-01    0.196E-01
DAV:   4    -0.273676324094E+03    0.48634E-03   -0.94213E-04  5568   0.950E-02    0.939E-02
DAV:   5    -0.273676233599E+03    0.90495E-04   -0.23588E-04  5376   0.340E-02    0.297E-02
DAV:   6    -0.273676221732E+03    0.11866E-04   -0.13344E-05  3136   0.951E-03    0.104E-02
DAV:   7    -0.273676221140E+03    0.59282E-06   -0.40155E-06  2560   0.388E-03 
   7 F= -.27367622E+03 E0= -.27367622E+03  d E =-.190071E-02
 trial-energy change:   -0.001901  1 .order   -0.001733   -0.003226   -0.000239
 step:   1.4089(harm=  1.4369)  dis= 0.00223  next Energy=  -273.676228 (dE=-0.191E-02)
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.273676321040E+03   -0.99308E-04   -0.24722E-03  4928   0.112E-01    0.640E-02
DAV:   2    -0.273676258816E+03    0.62224E-04   -0.22885E-04  4608   0.388E-02    0.205E-02
DAV:   3    -0.273676247367E+03    0.11450E-04   -0.23919E-05  3456   0.127E-02    0.108E-02
DAV:   4    -0.273676241825E+03    0.55413E-05   -0.10209E-05  2752   0.677E-03 
   8 F= -.27367624E+03 E0= -.27367624E+03  d E =-.192139E-02
 curvature:  -0.68 expect dE=-0.514E-03 dE for cont linesearch -0.102E-06
 trial: gam= 0.29700 g(F)=  0.558E-03 g(S)=  0.199E-03 ort = 0.192E-04 (trialstep = 0.135E+01)
 search vector abs. value=  0.985E-03
 bond charge predicted
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          rms(c)
DAV:   1    -0.273676386166E+03   -0.13880E-03   -0.20047E-01  4032   0.522E-01    0.179E-01
DAV:   2    -0.273677207899E+03   -0.82173E-03   -0.95738E-03  5568   0.160E-01    0.713E-02
DAV:   3    -0.273677159215E+03    0.48684E-04   -0.10908E-04  5504   0.280E-02    0.531E-02
DAV:   4    -0.273677144480E+03    0.14735E-04   -0.73459E-05  5440   0.179E-02    0.244E-02
DAV:   5    -0.273677146989E+03   -0.25098E-05   -0.98142E-06  3200   0.547E-03 
   9 F= -.27367715E+03 E0= -.27367715E+03  d E =-.905164E-03
 ZBRENT: can't locate minimum, use default step
 trial-energy change:   -0.000905  1 .order   -0.000913   -0.001026   -0.000800
 step:   5.3841(harm=  6.1234)  dis= 0.00642  next Energy=  -273.678576 (dE=-0.233E-02)
 reached required accuracy - stopping structural energy minimisation