Listing of Directory /Tasks/

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CHG                                 5227777 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:29
CHGCAR                              7882999 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:34
CONTCAR                                1425 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:27
dbg.txt                                 405 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:18
DOSCAR                               271837 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:35
ERROR.out                                 0 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:20
finished                                  0 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:35
IBZKPT                                  357 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:20
INCAR                                   703 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:19
KPOINTS                                  46 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:17
mdlicense.txt                            41 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:17
PCDAT                                   234 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:20
pid                                      22 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:19
POSCAR                                 1425 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:27
POTCAR                               882981 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:17
PROCAR                               223028 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:34
REPORT                                    0 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:20
script                                 5021 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:17
state.dat                               216 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:54
stdout                                 1776 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:54     1060 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:19
VASP.out                               5352 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:29
VASP_CONTCAR                           1425 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:27
VASP_EIGENVAL                         16045 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:34
VASP_IBZKPT                             357 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:20
VASP_INCAR                              703 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:19
VASP_KPOINTS                             46 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:04:17
VASP_OSZICAR                           1517 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:27
VASP_OUTCAR                           79987 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:35
VASP_WAVECAR.txt                   20015275 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:54
vasprun.xml                          683154 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:35
XDATCAR                                 622 bytes  Jan  1, 2023 22:13:27