Running VASP on 60 cores :
  Using executable /home/medea/MD/TaskServer/Tools/vasp6.3.1/Linux-x86_64/vasp_std

 running on   60 total cores
 distrk:  each k-point on   60 cores,    1 groups
 distr:  one band on    6 cores,   10 groups
 vasp.6.3.1 04May22 (build Jun 24 2022 14:24:36) complex                        
 MD_VERSION_INFO: Compiled 2022-06-24T12:52:24-UTC in mrdevlin:/home/medea/data/
 build/vasp6.3.1/17134/x86_64/src/src/build/std from svn 17134
 This VASP executable licensed from Materials Design, Inc.
 POSCAR found :  4 types and      10 ions
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     You use a magnetic or noncollinear calculation, but did not specify     |
|     the initial magnetic moment with the MAGMOM tag. Note that a            |
|     default of 1 will be used for all atoms. This ferromagnetic setup       |
|     may break the symmetry of the crystal, in particular it may rule        |
|     out finding an antiferromagnetic solution. Thence, we recommend         |
|     setting the initial magnetic moment manually or verifying carefully     |
|     that this magnetic setup is desired.                                    |
|                                                                             |

 scaLAPACK is switched off
 LDA part: xc-table for Pade appr. of Perdew
|                                                                             |
|           W    W    AA    RRRRR   N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|           W    W   A  A   R    R  NN   N  II  NN   N  G    G  !!!           |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N N  N  II  N N  N  G       !!!           |
|           W WW W  AAAAAA  RRRRR   N  N N  II  N  N N  G  GGG   !            |
|           WW  WW  A    A  R   R   N   NN  II  N   NN  G    G                |
|           W    W  A    A  R    R  N    N  II  N    N   GGGG   !!!           |
|                                                                             |
|     The number of bands has been changed from the values supplied in        |
|     the INCAR file. This is a result of running the parallel version.       |
|     The orbitals not found in the WAVECAR file will be initialized with     |
|     random numbers, which is usually adequate. For correlated               |
|     calculations, however, you should redo the groundstate calculation.     |
|     I found NBANDS = 153. Now, NBANDS = 160.                                |
|                                                                             |

 found WAVECAR, reading the header
 POSCAR, INCAR and KPOINTS ok, starting setup
 FFT: planning ... GRIDC
 FFT: planning ... GRID_SOFT
 FFT: planning ... GRID
 reading WAVECAR
 the WAVECAR file was read successfully
 initial charge from wavefunction
 entering main loop
       N       E                     dE             d eps       ncg     rms          ort
 gam= 0.000 g(H,U,f)=  0.229E+00 0.257E+00 0.841E-17 ort(H,U,f) = 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00
SDA:   1    -0.383081805415E+02   -0.38308E+02   -0.19444E+00  1280   0.486E+00 0.000E+00
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.849E-01 0.106E+00 0.194E-17 ort(H,U,f) = 0.121E+00 0.143E+00 0.111E-17
DMP:   2    -0.384570905789E+02   -0.14891E+00   -0.11695E+00  1280   0.191E+00 0.265E+00
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.272E-01 0.507E-01 0.917E-17 ort(H,U,f) = 0.494E-01 0.895E-01 0.102E-16
DMP:   3    -0.385425637447E+02   -0.85473E-01   -0.52406E-01  1280   0.779E-01 0.139E+00
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.572E-02 0.267E-01 0.836E-17 ort(H,U,f) = 0.109E-01 0.554E-01 0.129E-16
DMP:   4    -0.385818095392E+02   -0.39246E-01   -0.23094E-01  1280   0.324E-01 0.662E-01
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.225E-02 0.129E-01 0.224E-16 ort(H,U,f) =-0.953E-03 0.317E-01 0.430E-16
DMP:   5    -0.385994467459E+02   -0.17637E-01   -0.10765E-01  1280   0.152E-01 0.307E-01
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.142E-02 0.607E-02 0.180E-17 ort(H,U,f) = 0.192E-03 0.163E-01 0.384E-17
DMP:   6    -0.386081108931E+02   -0.86641E-02   -0.55162E-02  1280   0.750E-02 0.165E-01
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.588E-03 0.289E-02 0.881E-17 ort(H,U,f) = 0.647E-03 0.808E-02 0.193E-16
DMP:   7    -0.386126068889E+02   -0.44960E-02   -0.27238E-02  1280   0.348E-02 0.872E-02
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.256E-03 0.141E-02 0.801E-18 ort(H,U,f) = 0.358E-03 0.403E-02 0.181E-17
DMP:   8    -0.386148386465E+02   -0.22318E-02   -0.13347E-02  1280   0.166E-02 0.438E-02
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.947E-04 0.692E-03 0.378E-18 ort(H,U,f) = 0.165E-03 0.203E-02 0.906E-18
DMP:   9    -0.386159384384E+02   -0.10998E-02   -0.64979E-03  1280   0.786E-03 0.219E-02
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.258E-04 0.340E-03 0.881E-18 ort(H,U,f) = 0.498E-04 0.102E-02 0.217E-17
DMP:  10    -0.386164730379E+02   -0.53460E-03   -0.30937E-03  1280   0.365E-03 0.107E-02
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.992E-05 0.166E-03 0.118E-17 ort(H,U,f) = 0.131E-04 0.505E-03 0.275E-17
DMP:  11    -0.386167298281E+02   -0.25679E-03   -0.14956E-03  1280   0.176E-03 0.518E-03
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.282E-05 0.809E-04 0.913E-18 ort(H,U,f) = 0.473E-05 0.249E-03 0.203E-17
DMP:  12    -0.386168548835E+02   -0.12506E-03   -0.72193E-04  1280   0.837E-04 0.253E-03
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.997E-06 0.397E-04 0.424E-18 ort(H,U,f) = 0.781E-06 0.122E-03 0.924E-18
DMP:  13    -0.386169154872E+02   -0.60604E-04   -0.35060E-04  1280   0.407E-04 0.123E-03
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.647E-06 0.196E-04 0.124E-18 ort(H,U,f) = 0.301E-06 0.603E-04 0.271E-18
DMP:  14    -0.386169451259E+02   -0.29639E-04   -0.17339E-04  1280   0.202E-04 0.606E-04
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.251E-06 0.970E-05 0.241E-19 ort(H,U,f) = 0.273E-06 0.298E-04 0.530E-19
DMP:  15    -0.386169598660E+02   -0.14740E-04   -0.85776E-05  1280   0.995E-05 0.301E-04
 gam= 0.382 g(H,U,f)=  0.129E-06 0.486E-05 0.120E-18 ort(H,U,f) = 0.133E-06 0.148E-04 0.262E-18
DMP:  16    -0.386169672412E+02   -0.73751E-05   -0.42806E-05  1280   0.498E-05 0.150E-04
 final diagonalization
   1 F= -.38616967E+02 E0= -.38616967E+02  d E =-.125056E-11  mag=    -0.0000
 optical routines
 imaginary and real dielectric function
 recalculating local potential from charge density
 direction            1
 direction            2
 direction            3