4.4. Units and Constants in MedeA


4.4.1. Units

Quantity Symbol Units SI units
Amount mol Mole 1.0 mol
Capacitance F Farad 1.0 F
Electric Charge C Coulomb 1.0 C
Electric Conductance S Siemens 1.0 S
Electric Current A Ampere 1.0 A
Electric Potential V Volt 1.0 V
Electric Resistance ohm Ohm 1.0 ohm
Energy E rel Rest Energy of Electron 8.187111E-14 J
  Ha Hartree 4.359748E-18 J
  J Joule 1.0 J
  Ry Rydberg 2.179874E-18 J
  btu British Thermal Unit 1.054350E+03 J
  cal Calorie 4.184000E+00 J
  eV Electronvolt 1.602177E-19 J
  erg Erg 1.000000E-07 J
Energy Density Pa Pascal 1.0 Pa
  bar Bar 100000.0 Pa
Force N Newton 1.0 N
  dyn Dyne 1.000000E-05 N
Frequency Hz Hertz 1.0 Hz
Inductance H Henry 1.0 H
  Ang Angstrom 1E-10 m
  bohr Bohr 5.291773E-11 m
  ft Foot 3.048000E-01 m
  in Inch 2.540000E-02 m
  l rel Length Unit Relativistic 3.861593E-13 m
  m Meter 1.0 m
  mi Mile 1.609344E+03 m
  rd Rod 5.029200E+00 m
  ua Astronomical Unit 149598000000.0 m
  yd Yard 9.144000E-01 m
Magnetic Flux Wb Weber 1.0 Wb
Magnetic Flux Density T Tesla 1.0 T
Mass g Gram 0.001 kg
  kg Kilogram 1.0 kg
  lb Pound 4.535924E-01 kg
  t Ton 1000.0 kg
  u Unified Stomic Mass Unit 1.6605402E-27 kg
Moment of Force E rel Rest Energy 8.187111E-14 J of electron
  Ha Hartree 4.359748E-18 J
  J Joule 1.0 J
  Ry Rydberg 2.179874E-18 J
  btu British thermal unit 1.054350E+03 J
  cal Calorie 4.184000E+00 J
  eV Electronvolt 1.602177E-19 J
  erg Erg 1.000000E-07 J
Plane Angle Degree 1.745329E-02 rad
  Angular Minute 2.908882E-04 rad
  rad Radian 1.0 rad
  deg Degree 1.745329E-02 rad
Power W Watt 1.0 watt
Pressure Pa Pascal 1.0 Pa
  bar Bar 100000.0 Pa
Solid Angle sr Steradian 1.0 sr
Temperature K Kelvin 1.0 K
  C Deg Celsius 1.0 K
  F Deg Fahrenheit 5.555556E-01 K
Time d Day 86400.0 s
  h Hour 3600.0 s
  min Minute 60.0 s
  s Second 1.0 s
Volume L Liter 1.0 s

4.4.2. Constants

Constant Description SI units
Eh Hartree Energy 4.359748E-18 J
G Gravitational Constant 6.672590E-11 m^3/(kg*s^2)
Na Avogadro Constant 6.022137E+23 1/mol
R Molar Gas Constant 8.314510E+00 m^2*kg/(mol*K*s^2)
Ralpha Rydberg Constant 1.097373E+07 1/m
Vm Molar Volume of Ideal Gas 2.241410E-02 m^3/mol
a0 Bohr Radius 5.291773E-11 m
alpha Fine Structure Constant 7.297353E-03 1
atm Standard Atmosphere 101325.0 Pa
c Speed of Light in Vacuum 299792458.0 m/s
e Elementary Charge 1.602177E-19 C
eps0 Permittivity of Vacuum 8.854188E-12 A^2*s^4/(m^3*kg)
gamma Euler’s Constant 5.772157E-01 1
gn Standard Acceleration of Gravity 9.806650E+00 m/s^2
h Planck Constant 6.6260755E-34 m^2*kg/s
hbar Planck Constant / 2pi 1.054573E-34 m^2*kg/s
k Boltzmann Constant 1.380658E-23 m^2*kg/(K*s^2)
lambdac Compton Wavelength 2.426311E-12 m
me Electron Mass 9.109390E-31 kg
mp Proton Mass 1.672623E-27 kg
mu0 Permeability of Vacuum 1.256637E-06 m*kg/(A^2*s^2)
re Classical Electron Radius 2.817941E-15 m
ub Bohr Magneton 9.274015E-24 m^2*A